Live Radio WMUK 102.1
The Takeaway
NEXT: 1:00pm 1A


WMUK has volunteer opportunities for you that are both easy and fun. It's a learning experience that connects you to others interested in public radio while benefiting your community. If you are interested in becoming a WMUK fund drive phone volunteer, or if you'd like to participate by helping with special events, please complete the form below so we can contact you appropriately.

Form Incomplete:

  • -


Name value=""/>
Address value=""/>
City, State, Zip  value=""/>
Home Phone value=""/>
Work Phone value=""/>
E-mail address value=""/>
Check the boxes that match your interest:
checked/> I want to help answer pledge calls during the on-air fund drives.
Schedule Preferences:

checked/> Spring (usually April)
checked/> AM checked/> PM checked/> Weekends

checked/> Fall (usually October)
checked/> AM checked/> PM checked/> Weekends

checked/> I would like to be contacted regarding possible volunteer opportunities at WMUK special events. Needs may vary and I will decide about participating when I receive more information.

Thank you for completing the above information.